Agra police launch initiative to help people with gambling problems

Over 1,000 offenders have pledging to quit gambling.

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India.- The Agra police have launched an initiative through which it invites people with gambling-harm-related issues to approach police stations and sign a letter pledging to quit gambling. The initiative follows a letter received at the Mantola police station in which a man named Ravi Kishore, 42, submitted a bond letter expressing remorse for his past involvement in gambling and emphasising his commitment to leading a law-abiding life with the assistance of law enforcement authorities.

Since then, over 1,000 have pledged to abandon their gambling habits. This initiative, spearheaded by Agra police commissioner J Ravinder Goud, aims to create a supportive environment for rehabilitation and prevent relapses.

Social activist Naresh Paras highlighted a need to address the root causes of gambling addiction and provide support.

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Over 1,000 offenders have pledging to quit gambling. India.- The Agra police have launched an initiative through which it invites people with gambling-harm-related issues to approach police stations and sign…