India: 11 arrested for alleged illegal gambling

Police raided a house belonging to the family of actress Sonia Balani.

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India.- Police have carried out a raid on a house owned by the family of actress Sonia Balani in Alok Nagar, and arrested 11 people for alleged illegal gambling. According to local media outlet Jagran, the property was rented to a businessman named Sanjeev, also known as Sushil Rawat, who is currently on the run.

Assistant commissioner Mayank Tiwari said one of the detained people had attempted to pose as a servant to evade detection. Among those arrested were a former gym trainer and bodybuilder, who previously faced charges related to gambling in the Sikandra area. Officers said many of those arrested were associated with the bullion business and frequented the location for gambling on Mondays when their workplaces were closed.

Police raided a house belonging to the family of actress Sonia Balani. India.- Police have carried out a raid on a house owned by the family of actress Sonia Balani…

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